Willem Teller 1620-1701


Uit Early New Netherland Settlers by Robert Gordon Clark

Occupation 1 - - Soldier with the Dutch West India Company - Corporal. Occupation 2 - - Merchant. First Residence - - Shetland Islands, Scotland. Second Residence - - Netherland. Third Residence - - Fort Orange, New Netherland in 1639. Fourth Residence - - Schenectady, New Netherland. Fifth Residence - - Albany, Albany County, New York. Sixth Residence - - New York City in 1692. Note [Willem Teller was an original proprietor of Schenectady, New Netherland 1662]. Emigration - -

Emigrant in 1639 from Netherland to New Netherland with wife on the Den Harnick. Will - - His will was dated 19 March 1699 and proved 23 May 1701. Source [Record: April 1910 page 110] Source [Record: January 1997 page 10] Source [From Sea to Shining Sea by Darrell D Vessell 1993 page 41] Source [Schenectady Genesis by Susan J Staffa 2004 page 15, 3

William Teller, born 1620, was the son of a minister of distinction — which may account for the pulpit design in the Coat of Arms of the Teller Family published in Helmes Wappenbuch in Nuremburg in 1700.

He was the first of the family in this country. He went from Edinburgh, Scotland, to Holland, served with the Dutch East India Company, and came to New Netherlands, landing at New Amsterdam in 1636, where he settled and later became a merchant. Pearson’s First Settlers (See below.) says in a deposition given July 6, 1698, that William Teller was sent in the year 1639 to Fort Orange by Gov. Kieft, served as corporal, later advanced to Wacht-Meister of the Fort, sergeant of cavalry. He continued his residence there from 1639 to 1692 with small intermissions of voyages to New York and Delaware and one short voyage to Holland.

He was a teacher for about fifty years in Albany, one of the early aldermen, and a Justice of the Peace. He moved to New York with his two sons, William and Jacob, and died there in 1701.

Plan of Schenectady about 1750In his Will, he mentions six of his nine children. In 1662 he was one of the early proprietors of Schenectady, a tract embracing 80,000 acres in the Mohawk Valley. He was one of the five patentees mentioned in the first patent of the town in 1684, (See below.) but never resided there. He endowed the Dutch Church with a fund sufficient for its maintenance and his Coat of Arms was painted on one of the windows, as was the custom (in 1657.) This and other windows were donated by the Commissionaires and Magistrates. “Munsell’s Collection of Albany History” gives a description of these windows, the bell and pulpit brought from Holland. The Church was destroyed by fire. William Teller’s first wife was Margaret Duncassen, the name Margaret has been carried down in successive generations (no record of marriage date but was named as his wife in Court records of 1641-2.) She died prior to 1664 when he married Maria Vableth, widow of Paulin Schwick.

Fuentes :
- persona : R.C.Clarke, Louis Cox

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